Die geile Oma

Die geile Oma…meine erste reife Frau Als das hier Beschriebene passierte, war ich gerade 17 Jahre alt. Ich hatte zu diesem Zeitpunkt schon 2 sexuelle Erlebnisse gehabt aber nur mit jungen Mädchen (die eine war 15 und die andere 16). Aber das waren so eher "rein/raus/abspritzen" Nummern. Damals lebte ich mit meinen Eltern in B….. In der Nachbarschaft wohnte u.a. auch die Oma (Edeltraud) meines besten Schulfreundes- sie war so Mitte 50 damals. Wir hatten untereinander alle ein sehr lockeres und freundschaftliches Verhältnis. Meine sexuelle Triebe erwachten damals gerade erst richtig und ich war… 더 읽기

작성자: jagernaut72 2년 전 31


Endlich Ferien! Nun war also soweit, gemeinsam mit meinem Sohn flog ich in den sonnigen Süden nach Fuerteventura. Wir hatten ein Doppelzimmer in einem 4-Sterne-Hotel für drei Wochen gebucht. Nachdem wir im Hotel angekommen waren, bekamen wir unser Zimmer im obersten Stock ganz am Ende des Flures. Es war ein großes Zimmer mit Badewanne und Dusche. Ich freute mich so sehr, dass ich meinen Sohn ganz fest an mich drückte und ihm einen dicken Kuss gab. Es war ziemlich heiß, so dass ich mich erstmal bis auf Slip und BH auszog. So ließ es sich schon besser aushalten. Wir packten erstmal unsere Koffer… 더 읽기

작성자: jagernaut72 1년 전 38

Mutter Schwanger

Wird nun alles anders? Nun waren wir schon 10 Tage hier auf Mallorca und es war einfach schön. Wir, das sind mein Sohn David 18 Jahre und ich Sybille 40 Jahre. Bis zu meiner Niederkunft, ja ich bin schwanger, sind es noch 5 Wochen und ich hatte David diesen Urlaub versprochen. In den letzten Monaten war Er ein großer Halt für mich, mein Mann hatte sich von mir Knall auf Fall getrennt und erlebte nun seinen 2. Frühling mit einer Kollegin aus der Firma. Zu diesen Zeitpunkt war ich bereits im 3. Monat und es traf mich völlig unvermittelt. Schon eine blöde Situation. In dieser Zeit ist mir David… 더 읽기

작성자: jagernaut72 1년 전 50

Mamas Handy

"Bzzt bzzt" vibrierte mein Smartphone auf meinem Schreibtisch, während ich versuchte zu lernen. Nicht jetzt, dachte ich. "Bzzt bzzt, bzzt bzzt, bzzt bzzt, bzzt bzzt" vibrierte es ununterbrochen. Es war kein Anruf, dafür war es zu unregelmäßig. Jemand bombardierte mich mit Nachrichten. Wahrscheinlich war es mein bester Freund Max, der ständig einzelne Satzteile losschickte. Wie ich es hasste. Ist es so schwer einen vollständigen Satz in einer Nachricht zu verpacken? Genervt nahm ich mein Smartphone in die Hand und rief laut "Was!?" - auch wenn mir klar war, dass es der Absender nicht hören kön… 더 읽기

작성자: jagernaut72 1년 전 71

Endlich Urlaub

Urlaub, endlich Urlaub! Meine Frau Karin und ich hatten uns ein Häuschen auf der Kanaren-Insel La Palma gemietet, nicht direkt am Strand, sondern über einem kleinen Dorf am Hang mit einem wunderschönen Blick aufs Meer. Wahrscheinlich hat der Vulkanausbruch im letzten Jahr diese Idylle zerstört. Mit dem Mietwagen waren wir schnell überall. Dazu gehörte ein Pool zum Haus, was unseren 18jährigen Sohn so begeisterte, dass er uns begleitete. Dazu kam, dass kurz vorher seine Beziehung in die Binsen gegangen war, da wollte er wohl nicht unbedingt allein bleiben. Gleich am ersten Tag fuhren wir zu ei… 더 읽기

작성자: jagernaut72 1년 전 3


Zu meiner Person: Ich bin im besten Alter Anfang 40, knapp 1,70cm groß, schlank und habe dunkelblonde, lange, gelockte Haare. Ich bin stolz auf meinen knackigen Hintern, den ich gerne in enge Jeans stecke und meine B-Körbchen passen sehr gut dazu. Leider ist meine schon länger bestehende Beziehung etwas „eingefahren" und gibt mir oft keinen ausreichenden Raum, um meinen Phantasien auszuleben zu können. Einige Geschichten habe ich selbst erlebt, andere entspringen allein meiner Phantasie oder meinen Träumen, die ich mit meinem Partner leider nicht umsetzen kann. Meine erste Geschichte ist ber… 더 읽기

작성자: jagernaut72 1년 전 23

Sex With My Boss’ Wife

N.B. A true story -- except I had sex with my boss at the party. Sequels to follow. I needed my boss’ confirmation on a few new designs for a house design I was working on. I knocked softly on the door to my boss’ office and opened it swiftly. My heart skipped a beat when I saw a gorgeous blonde standing next to Terry’s chair. The woman obviously didn’t work there because I would have noticed her before. “Oh, my apologies. I didn’t know you had company” I uttered as I studied the other woman. “It’s fine Marie. Is it something quick?” Terry asked, already putting on his glasses and releasing a… 더 읽기

작성자: bianca44 2년 전 16

Fucking in the Lesbian Threesome

On New Year’s Eve, Erica and I went to a New Year’s party at a local restaurant. As we arrived at the party, a young hot blonde waitress caught my eye. As we sat down with some friends, the hot waitress walked over introducing herself as Amber. My God! This waitress is making me wet! I wonder if Erica is as wet as I am, I thought to myself. After ordering our food, Erica whispered to me, “my pussy is soaked, our waitress is extremely hot.” “I know I’m wet too, should we make a move on her?” I asked. “Hell Yeah!” she replied, making me let out an evil smile and laugh. As Amber brought us o… 더 읽기

작성자: Liliana01 2년 전 30

Мамина игрушка.

Неотъемлемой частью Вероники, было её крайнее любопытство, и она это знала, но это её не беспокоило. Однажды, зайдя в комнату родителей и случайно заглянув в бельевой шкаф, она обнаружила там, среди маминого нижнего белья, красивую, цветную коробку, которая сразу же привлекла её внимание. Осторожно взяв, она с любопытством стала её рассматривать. На крышке коробки, была фотография с изображением предмета, похожего на мужской орган. Любопытство брало верх, и Вероника осторожно открыв её, увидела там секс-игрушку. Это был искусственный член с вибратором, аналогичный реальному члену мужчины. Точ… 더 읽기

작성자: LuckySon 3년 전 1

Мать друга.

Димка подошёл к калитке и громко крикнул: - Санёк?! Он прислушался, но на его крик никто не отозвался. Димка постоял ещё с минуту и, толкнув калитку, оказался в затенённом уютном дворике. - Санька?! - снова крикнул он и снова прислушался. Входная дверь дома оказалась не запертой. - Есть тут кто? - уже тише спросил Димка, отворив дверь и заглянув в прихожую. Изнутри дома тянуло прохладой. Взгляд Димки скользнул мимо дома и устремился на огородные грядки, которые начинались сразу же за домом. Ровные рядки картофеля, с подсохшей уже ботвой, убегали вдаль длинными сужающимися линиями и теря… 더 읽기

작성자: LuckySon 3년 전 9

Моя любимая тёща.

Мы с Юлией знаем друг друга со школы. Учились в одном классе, дружили, гуляли, мечтали при луне. Она была первой девушкой, с которой я стал мужчиной, а она - женщиной. Она дождалась меня из армии, и после моего возвращения мы поженились. После свадьбы мы переехали жить к её родителям. У них большой частный дом с множеством комнат, одну из них, самую просторную, заняли мы. Родители Юлии обычные люди, без зазнайства и высокомерия. Все домашние обязанности делим на всех, во всём стараемся помогать, чтобы не быть обузой. Обычная молодая семья. Не так давно я стал замечать, что моя тёща интересует… 더 읽기

작성자: LuckySon 2년 전 14

Жена друга.

Мы сидели на кухне моего друга, пили пиво и вспоминали старые времена. Непринужденная атмосфера располагала к расслаблению. На кухню зашла Светка, жена моего друга. - Мальчики, не пора ли остановиться, вы уже пятую бутылку открываете? - Светуля, скоро остановимся, у нас ещё одна осталась и хватит. Вовка посмотрел на меня. - Что скажешь, Славянин, хватит или продолжим? - Можно продолжить, а можно и тормознуть. - Ладно, давай допьём и подумаем. Он взял бутылку и наполнил бокалы..... Вовка был другом моего детства. Наша дружба длилась много лет, продолжаясь до сих пор. Помню, как он женился на… 더 읽기

작성자: LuckySon 2년 전 3

Новогодняя история.

Мне в руки попала видеокассета с подборкой коротких роликов на тему золотого дождя, игр с мочой, сквирта и всего, что с этим связано. Особенно меня заинтересовали сцены с золотым дождём, где женщины раздавали его мужчинам, писая им на лицо и в рот. Это настолько меня зацепило, что мне нестерпимо захотелось попробовать, и я стал одержим этой идеей. С этого дня все мои фантазии во время дрочки были наполнены только такими сюжетами, все другие, которые возникали у меня, казались уже не настолько возбуждающими, как это было раньше. Теперь я смотрел на женщин совершенно иначе и воспринимал их с точ… 더 읽기

작성자: LuckySon 2년 전 3

An additional benefit

My lady and I have been together for over 6 years now. We're living together and she has a great "play room" available for family and friends. She's very bi and started with her family at an early age. I've found out recently that it's paying additional sexual benefits for both of us. Over the years I've had a degree of success picking up ladies, especially bartenders and servers. Mostly one night stands, however a few have offered benefits over a period of time. The one recent meet that really has offered a bonus is that there are a few ladies, with whom I've had only once that have remaine… 더 읽기

작성자: PABIGuy 4년 전 10

Old Friend

As a young teen just learning about sex a friend and I would go to separate rooms and read men's mags and then jerk off. Every once in a while I would sneak over to his room and watch him, I just love the way his cock looked. But back in the late 50's and 60's doing something with another boy was something most of us were scared to do. About 40 years later I was in a large city doing some shopping and the clerk was this friend. Now we hadn't seen each other in a long time and didn't know what our live was like now. There was a little swish to his walk but other wise he looked just the same. we… 더 읽기

작성자: billieearls 5년 전 26

The young ones

Started a short chat with who i thought was a young lady, quite innocent to start with, then she got to asking several questions fast before i could finish answering them. The questions were like from 2 different minds, some were on what i sexually like in a young woman, the other questions were about my health & friends. The chatting went on for several weeks, chatting maybe 2 times a week for an average of 1 hour. I told her i would not be online the next week since it was my spring break & needed a few days away. She was interested in where i was going & if i was going with anyo… 더 읽기

작성자: Marcia2 4년 전 21

Journey to my first gay intercourse experience

I came to this site 12 years ago basically straight with a strong gay porn curiosity, I almost immediately I began posting naked pictures and videos of me masturbating in unique risky ways. This caught the attention of a fellow member named bi_chris, he was in a city near me. We started to exchange erotic private messages, there was something about his messaged that really turned me on. Unfortunately one day the account was closed. My interest in gay porn grew, back then video calls were thing here so I discovered that jerking off with real guys was a real turn on. But sometime around then (s… 더 읽기

작성자: renagade6 2년 전 48

Drinking at the bar.

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작성자: Taboojohn 6년 전

Day after Xmas date ( mom caught us)

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작성자: Taboojohn 6년 전

Keeping it in the family 3

My birthday had arrived and we ended up going to a giant fun fair park nor far from the small town my grandparents lived in. Bearing in mind this was the late sixties they still had some pretty cool rideS. Both Gran and Gramps loved that kind of stuff. So we all had fun. We rounded off the day by going home getting all dressed up and going out for dinner. Strangely although I was only f******n, I felt all grown up, I guess the experiences I was having with Gramps gave me a new found confidence. It was late as we got home and Gran was shattered she said her good nights as she sashayed along the… 더 읽기

작성자: Hornyguy4all 3년 전 24

Keeping it in the family 2

As you will recall I’m staying out in the country with my Gran & Gramps, I’m having a lovely time and soon it will be my f******nth birthday, which we are all looking forward to. back to the main story though, Gramps and I had become very close sexually and he explained in detail how he wanted our relationship to progress in the months and years to come, there was no pressure I’d enjoyed our little sexual attivities very much. It was easy being with Gramps as he loved me as much as I loved him. When I went to bed in the evening he would leats make an excuse to Gran, saying I just need to… 더 읽기

작성자: Hornyguy4all 3년 전 16

Keeping it in the family

My story starts when I was in my early teens, most holidays I would spend in the country with Gran and gramps. I was very close to both of them and was always encouraged to be myself and to have no hang ups. My parents were quite straight laced and to serious for there own good, they were both business people and looking back, I was offorded the nicer things in life , which of course I was grateful for. I was an only c***d and was often exploring all and everything, I’d started to masturbate when I was eleven, so I was sexually aware to a point. I’d often listen to my parents when they were fu… 더 읽기

작성자: Hornyguy4all 3년 전 49

My First Time with a shemale

I was a married, white male. Straight. Had no gay experience. Been married for about 15 years, had 4 k**s and enjoyed sex. I was not faithful, but I had no other girlfriends. I used hookers for sex, so I would not get involved. One night I went out looking for a prostitute to fuck and met this hot looking girl with very short shorts and a halter. She also had a nice six-pack. She was very athletic looking. She was a short black girl in her early twenties. I was 35 at the time. I wanted to take her to a motel and fuck her and leave. She wanted to go to her place so I can pay her more money an… 더 읽기

작성자: kbking70 6년 전 17

The Smith Family Perversions

“Mom? Dad? Anyone home?” Sarah Smith has just entered the kitchen of her family home with her newest boy toy, Timmy. Timmy, a ‘surfer cute’ 19 yo complimented Sarah’s outrageous sexual appetite perfectly, plus he had a huge cock. For someone so young his cock was nearly 10” and fat as all fuck. Sarah and her older sister had both shared Timmy’s cock and they’d both agreed that taking in their ass was a definite challenge but one well worth it. “In the playroom, honey” came her Mums response. Sarah grabbed Timmy and pulled him close. “Before we go in there let me tell you, you are going to se… 더 읽기

작성자: nasti_fun_pervert 6년 전 98

My first gay sex

The first time I had gay sex was with a friend of mine.we were talking about sex.and then out of the blue we were naked and jacking off looking at each other.Then I asked him if I could suck his cock,he said sure and next thing I know i'm sucking his big hard cock and it tasted so good,then he let me lick his balls,but then I lifted his legs up and started licking his asshole,then I went back to sucking him while I started to gently finger his ass,he was really moaning and enjoying what I was doing to him and then after about 20 or 20 minutes,i lost track he moaned loud and unloaded a huge wad… 더 읽기

작성자: bigcocksman 9년 전 5

Timmy's Prison Cavity Search

No one was surprised Timmy ended up in prison at the young age of eighteen. He had always been a hell raiser. The real surprise is how long it took society to finally lock him up. Somehow, he had avoided juvey while all his juvenile delinquent friends were making their rounds. Somehow the law had missed Timmy even though he had been almost going out of his way to get himself locked up. It was as if Timmy actually wanted to go to prison, at least subconsciously. Timmy wanted to be a real gangster and it was hard for a street punk to get the props he needed with some prison time on his resume. T… 더 읽기

작성자: bi_hengst 9년 전 11

First time I saw my stepdaughter naked.

The first time I saw my stepdaughter naked she was 19 years old. My wife was out of town on business and I was supposed to have left the day before to go out of town on business however my client called me and we rescheduled the afternoon before this happened. At the time my stepdaughter was working at a coffee shop and had to open the doors at 6 AM sometimes so she was typically up at 4:30 AM to get ready on those days. Well this particular morning she obviously thought I was out of town because I woke up about 430 in the morning to the sound of her shower running. The upstairs bathroom… 더 읽기

작성자: Scotsman99 8년 전 77