Stanozolol and sex drive

Might seem strange to post such topic here but overall physical condition,stamina ,fertility ,libido and sex drive in men go hand to hand with T and GH levels in their system
I am including in my traning program winstrol for 5 week cycle (up to 45 mg per day )and no significal changes in libido/sex drive have been expirienced except for the second week (25 mg per day) had expirienced increasing but I am taking also ZMA, tribulus and muirapuama paralelly . For PST I am planing Pregnil 5000 IU x 1 shot .Clomid 50 mg per day,ZMA and tribulus
to Anyone who used stanozolol/winstrol in his/her training proces please share your expirience during course and PST here in comments or via private messages .Thank You in advance
NOTE: stanozolol is classified as a controlled substance under federal regulation that is included as Schedule III controlled substances under the Anabolic Steroids Act my post do not either recomend and promote use of stanozolol/winstrol/stromba without qualified medical supervision and prescription.
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