It was our last night at the hotel before we fly home. Bill was in a great mood so after my shower I saw bill was on the bed naked, so I climbed on the bed and started sucking his dick. I asked him if he wanted to fuck me and he replied that he owned me now and could fuck me anytime and to keep sucking and that I should get as much spit on him as I could. I’m quite naive and didn’t know what he meant, but did as I was told.
I sucked on him for what seemed an eternity and he finally told me to mount him. I did what I was told and he slid easily to the base into me. He pinched my nipples hard and said no, every time we start fucking, I want it in your ass first. I geared up from the soreness of my nipples. I haven’t told Bill yet but I like pain, just not in my ass. I slid him out and put him at the entrance of my ass. Bill said no, to put it back in my mouth to get more saliva on his cock. I didn’t think I would like the tast of myself but Bill has had me do this a few times and now I like it so much that when he is asleep I get myself wet and lick my finger all night.
I put his cock back in my mouth and spit all over it knowing what was happening next and after about ten minutes was instructed to fuck him. I climbed up and strattled him, put his cock at the entrance and started to work the head in. That’s when he grabbed my hips and shoved his cock all the way to his balls. I thought I was split in two. He started fucking me, I started crying. Not because of the pain but because of how much I loved the feeling. Bill fucked me until he erupted inside of me. I had also cum but it was so different from a regular orgasm. I instinctively asked if I could get off and go clean his cum out of me. Bill just smiled and said “good girl”, I said what was that for and he replied, you are learning the rules, you’re asking permission and unknowingly I had been getting trained for the last week. In that time, I’ve sucked him to sleep every night, dressed and undressed in front of him for his approval, fucked at least 10-15 guys (unknowingly) and haven’t made a decision since I’ve met him at the airport.
I alway clean the sea on out of me when we’re done having sex, this time bill said I couldn’t pull him out of me but I could feel him going soft and was worried if he came out what he would do. Then he said when he came out I was to clinch my ass shut so his cum didn’t fall out, we were going to play a game. So I did what I was told and clinched and just a little bit of cum dripped out and ran into my pussy. Now this discusses me knowing something from my ass is inside my pussy. Bill cums more than any man I’ve been with so there was plenty more cum in my ass to run into my pussy, so I clenched for all I was worth.
Bill had me on my hands and knees at the edge of the bed. He said and now it’s time to get ready for the gam and grabbed a shopping bag off the dresser and brought it to me. Asked me to take them out. I dumped them on the bed and took a deep breath. The bag had three silver cone shaped things in it, each bigger than the next.
Bill asked if I knew what they were, I shook my head no and he laughed. I could feel some of Bill cum coming out of my ass and I actually apologized to him. He smiled and said it’s ok but I was disgusted that it was running into my pussy. Bill said we’re going to need that cum in your ass because one of those cones was going in my ass. I just shook my head no and asked how we would get them out and Bill just laughed.
Bill told me to pick one to put in. Of course I picked the smallest and handed it to him. He put the tip up to my clenched ass. He told me to keep clenching he shoved it all the way in with no problem. I had been holding my breath and let a big sigh of relief when it didn’t hurt and Bill told me I didn’t have to clench. He then had me get off the bed and walk around. He told me to take the breakfast tray and put it on the cart outside the door. I looked at him and said “I’m naked”. He didn’t say anything and I knew to do what I was told.
I picked up the tray and opened the door and bill said to go outside the door and stand there until he told me what to do. I did as I was told and saw the twe desk clerks standing there. I just stood there and they just stared at me, looking at my breasts and shaved vagina. I just looked at them while they were looking at my vagina and said, “it’s new to me too guys”.
Bill told me to take the tray over to the cart. The cart was on the other side of the clerks and I told Bill that and my instructions were the same but he told me that if one of the boys touched me to stay there and let him finish. I walked the tray up to the cart but neither one of them touched me. I placed the tray on the cart and turned around and started walking back and the younger of the two boys slapped my ass so I had to stop. I didn’t say anything, just stood there and the bigger of the two boys did the same, except when he slapped my ass, he hit the butt plug. I came so hard, I almost fell to the ground. When I came to, I walked back to the room and closed the door and told Bill what happened. He just looked at me and said, you’re going to have a fun day.
bill had me walk around the room a few times and said “you’re ready “ I looked at ham and he had me back on the edge of the bed and walked over and stuck his cock in me and did a couple of strokes and said no, not good enough, hand me the next butt plug. I did what I was told and asked bill to be easy, it’s twice the size. He instructed me to clinch because all that dirty cum will end up in my pussy. I must have gotten used to the plug because it came right out with a pop and I could feel some of Bill cum fall out before he put the head of the next plug to my ass. I repeated please be easy and I no sooner said when he rammed it in my ass. I screamed, Bill rolled me owner and said play with your pussy it will relieve the pain. I no soon touched my pussy and I came.
Bill had me walk around the room until I could walk normally, I got used to this one fairly fast but knew there was no way I could take the third one.
Bill had me on all four putt his cock in me and a few strokes and I heard him say, “I really can’t tell” and he pulled out of me and told me to go see if the desk clerk was still out side. I did as I was told with out hesitation, might as well, there already seen me naked. I went out side and only the younger of the two clerks was there. I walked over and asked if he could come to our room. He said sure and put his hand on my back and I instinctively stopped and waited until he was done touching me. He rubbed my back and I must have moaned so he brought his other hand to my stomach, just above my shaved pussy. I instinctively got up on my toes to try to get his fingers to my pussy but he never did. Instead he leaned me over the balcony and touched my ass and swore. I guess he wanted my ass. As I was leaned over the balcony, I saw there were other people out on their balcony and that the balcony’s were all connected but everyone was acting like me being naked was a normal thing. I did see a couple of guys in their underwear and a couple of women topless but nobody cared.
The desk cork walked me back to our room and I walked over to the bed and got back on my hands and knees without being tod. The clerk asked what he could help him with like I wasn’t on all fours naked. Bill walked up and explained that I had a plug in my ass but it didn’t seem to heighten his pleasure. Bill stuck his cock in and stroked about 5 or 10 times and pulled out, Bill asked if he could try my pussy and see if it did anything for him. He dropped his black trousers and boxer shorts in seconds and I could see his hard cock. It wasn’t any bigger than bills. He stuck it in me until his belly hit my plug. When it did I clenched my pussy and he went WHOA!! Bill said so you can feel it? The Clerk said no but when I bumped the plug, she grabbed my cock with her pussy.Bill said let me try and pushed himself all the way to the plug and I did it again, it was involuntary , it just does it and Bill kept pushing only harder and rockets went off in my pussy every time he hit the plug.
The guys stood there talking when I asked if I can go pee. Bill told me no and that he knew I just wanted to wash mysel so why don’t you go outside to this young man’s cart and grab a towel, come in here, put the towel between your legs and give this young man a blow job for helping us out…oh yeah you can pee on the towel while giving the blow job…and make sure you swallow because it may be your meal for the day. I did as I was told and put his cock in my mouth and I could tast my pussy. I started tasting his cum almost right away and knew he was already going to cum so I started peeing. I had to go so bad. That’s when he grabbed my head and spurted two little drops of cum in my mouth. I was actually disappointed he didn’t have more. The clerk pulled his boxers and pants up and bill told him as he was leaving, don’t forget to send your buddy up, I want another opinion.
I went to get in position on the bed and was told to bring my towel over as he sat on the bed. He put the towel at his feet and made me stand in my own piss. I did as I was told and Bill pulled out a sharpie and wrote on me.
My Nellie read “I am in training to be a sex slave, I will do anything you please, you can take my mask off if you wish, I am wearing a butt plug, if you wish to fuck my ass, please put the butt plug back as I can’t do it myself. Please make sure none of the cum fall out. If I’m giving you a blow jog, I will swallow all of your cum, twice if you like, each room is allowed one hour, lead me to the next room when you are finished with me with my blind fold on. Take me back to room 223 when the last room is done using me”
Bill sent me around the balcony while he was waiting for the clerk, so they could read and write there room number on me acknowledge that the read it. I had 40 room numbers written on me when I got back to my room. There were numbers everywhere on my body.
I got back to the room and Bill and the clerk were standing there talking. Bill looked at me and said, wow, you’re going to be busy. Because the desk clerk was there I got into position on the bed and waited.Bill started explaining and walked over and put his cock in me and started pumping and said her pussy is tight but I can’t feel the plug and pulled out. The clerk was about 6’-1” or 2” and about 235 lbs. he was standing in front of me and busts open his button fly jeans and didn’t have any underwear on. After unbuttoning I couldn’t see his whole cock, just the shaft and I gasped. He pulled his jeans down and out sprang his cockhead. It was the biggest I had ever seen.
He got behind me and I took a deep breath and hung onto the blankets to get ready for him. He put the head to my opening and slowly pushed. In and out about an inch at a time and every time he pushed in, my eyes would roll back and I would squirt. I felt bill come over and put a pillow under my head as I was feeling like I would pas out. The clerk stopped pushing and bill instructed him to put it all in and the clerk told him he can’t get anymore in, bill asked me why, I told him it’s against my cervix, there is no more room. I thought I had orgasms befor but bill told the clerk to pound my cervix. He did what he was told and I had a series of both vaginal and anal orgasms at the same time until my body collapsed. When he was done with me I couldn’t move (literally) but I could hear then talking. What it came downe to is they both thought I should have the next plug. Sometime while I was getting fucked, the other clerk showed up and when they decided to put the third plug in, the small clerk aske if he could pull the second one out. He did with a pop. Bill told them they have 15 more minutes with me then take her to the next room.
The smaller clerk put the used plug in my mouth, I couldn’t move and I was so thirsty I just started sucking on it and the second clerk that beat my cervix to death decided he wanted my ass before bill put the biggest plug in. He fucked my ass and rolled over so the other clerk fucked my pussy. The big clerk filled my bowels with his cum first, then my pussy.
Before the clerks left they helped put the third plug in hydrated me, bill wrote a few more things on my body like “if fucking my ass, please put plug in my mouth so I don’t lose it, and I mist drink a bottle of water and pee on my towel not in a bathroom”
that’s how the rest of my day, and night went the last day as a slave in a hotel with a master I met 7 days ago.
love KELLY (binh)

게시자: Serviceman62
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Sex in Hotels is why Mr. Marriot built them for.